Dr. Grayson Blom, B.Sc., D.C., U.C.A., C.C.E.P., Upper Cervical Chiropractic Specialist
What You Can Expect
What Is Upper Cervical Care?
Atlas Subluxation Complex (ASC)
A Vitalistic Approach
Conditions & Symptoms
Athletic Performance
Bell's Palsy
Birth Trauma
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Cervicogenic Headaches
Cervicogenic Vertigo or Dizziness
Chiari Malformation Syndrome
Chronic Pain Syndrome
Continuous Headache (Hemicranial Cephalalgia)
Cranio Cervical Abnormalities
Digestive Disorders
Ear Infections (Otitis Media)
Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia
High Blood Pressure
Inner Ear Disorders
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Low Back Pain
Mal De Barquement Syndrome
Migraine Headache
Multiple Sclerosis
Meniere's Disease
Neck Pain
Occipital Neuralgia | Occipital Headache
Pinched Nerve In The Neck (Cervical Radiculopathy)
Sciatica Symptoms
Seizure Disorders
(TMJ) Temporomandibular Joint
Neck & Tongue Syndrome
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Vertigo, Hearing Loss, Tinnitus
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Video Testimonials
Arm and Hand Pain, Numbness, and Swelling - Relief Boise, Idaho
Back Pain, Mid Back Pain, Upper Back Pain, Shoulder Pain, Knee and Hip Pain, Ribs Popping Out - Treatment and Relief Boise, Idaho
Back Pain Relief, Boise Idaho
Blurred Vision, Sinus Problems and Asthma Symptom Relief
Chronic Headaches, Fatigue, Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, and Bad Hip Pain Treatment & Relief Boise Idaho
Chronic Headaches, Hip Pain and Shoulder Pain Relief
Chronic Neck and Back Pain With Symptoms of Being OFF Balance
Chronic Neck Pain and Hip Pain
Chronic Neck Pain, Shooting Pain Into The Neck & Back - Treatment & Relief Boise, Idaho
Chronic Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain and Thumb Pain Relief
Chronic Pain, Joint Swelling, Knee Pain, Leg and Hip Weakness, and Tremors Resolve
Chronic Pain, Low Back Pain, and Sciatica Symptom Relief
Constant Back Pain and Headache Relief
Constant Headache Day and Night With Black Dots In My Eye - Relief Boise Idaho
Constant Headaches With Intermittent Migraines - Relief Boise Idaho
Constant Neck Pain and Cervical Spine Disease Relief
Constant Neck Pain, Migraine Headaches, General Discomfort
Constant Neck/Upper Shoulder Pain & Tension With Chronic Headahces
Daily Headaches, Neck Pain, Hip and Back Pain Relief Boise Idaho
Daily Lower Back Pain Relief
Debilitating Migraine's, Failed Drug Therapies, Neck Pain, and Vertigo Relief Boise Idaho
Depression, Urinary Tract Problems
Dizziness, Headaches, and Neck Pain - Treatment Boise Idaho
Dizziness When Looking Up and Down, or Moving Too Fast - Resolved Boise Idaho
Dizziness That Feels Like I am Rocking In A Boat All The Time
Excessive Tearing In My Infant - Blocked Tear Duct Treatment Boise Idaho
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Numbness in Hands and Feet, Migraines Relief Boise Idaho
Fractured Skull, Pelvis, and Reversed Cervical Curve In A Two Year Old Girl
Frequent Headaches, Neck Pain, Upper Back Pain, Lower Back Pain, and Sciatica Symptoms
Headaches, Dizziness, Neck Pain, Low back Pain Treatment and Relief Boise Idaho
Headaches Every Day, Neck Pain and Back Pain Relief
Headaches, Hand Numbness, Neck Stiffness Relief in Boise, Idaho
Headache and Neck Pain Relief Boise Idaho
Headaches, Vertigo, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Vision Issues Treatment & Relief Boise Idaho
Head and Neck Pain, Digestive Issues, Relief Boise Idaho
Hemiplegic Migraines, Partial Paralysis of The Right Eye, Mouth, Arm, and Leg.
Hip Out of Place, Arm Pain Shoulder to Elbow, Allergies
Hip Pain, Lower Back Pain, Leg Numbness, and Knee Swelling Relief
Hip Pain and Neck Pain Relief Boise, Idaho
Insomnia, Chronic Neck and Shoulder Pain Treatment and Relief Boise Idaho
Intermittent Right Hip Pain, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain and Back Pain Relief
Intolerable Lower Back Pain, Hip Pain, Asthma Symptom Relief
Light Headedness, Balance Issues, Headaches, and Neck Pain
Loss of Smell & Taste, Headaches, Knee Pain
Low Back Pain, Headaches, Upper Back Numbness and Heart Palpitations
Low Back Pain Relief
Meniere's Disease and Migraine Headache Relief
Meniere's and Migraine Headaches Stopped - Relief Boise Idaho
Meniere's Disease and Neck Pain Relief Boise, Idaho
Meniere's Disease, Dizziness, Hearing Loss - Upper Cervical Chiropractic Can Help - Boise, Idaho
Meniere's Disease, Vertigo, Dizziness - Treatment and Relief Boise Idaho
Migraine's, Back Pain, Hip Pain, Jaw Pain, Heart Arrhythmia - Treatment & Relief Boise Idaho
Migraine Headache Relief Boise Idaho
Migraine Headaches, Neck Pain, Upper & Lower Back Pain Relief
Migraines, Headaches, Dizziness, Neck Pain and A Racing Heart - Relief Boise Idaho
Migraine Treatment and Relief, Boise Idaho
Neck Pain and Shoulder Pain Treatment and Relief Boise Idaho
Neck Pain & Shoulder Pain Relief
Neck Pain and Stiffness
Painful Headaches Several Times Per Week With Vertigo and Trigeminal Neuralgia
Post Surgical Leg and Low Back Pain Relief
Sciatica, Upper Back Pain, Spinal Fusion Relief
Seizures, Headaches, Dizziness Treatment and Relief Boise Idaho
Severe Headaches and Chronic Neck Pain
Severe Headaches for 12 Years - Relief Boise Idaho
Severe Migraines, Neck Pain, TMJ, MS Symptoms, Treatment & Relief Boise, Idaho
Severe Puking Migraine Headache Relief Boise Idaho
Shoulder Pain and Leg Pain Relief
Shoulder Pain Relief Boise Idaho
Sleeping Problems and Anxiety Relief
Spinal Fusion Pain, Constant Neck and Shoulder Pain Relief
Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, Vertigo, Meniere's Disease Relief Boise Idaho
Trigeminal Neuralgia, and Fibromyalgia Treatment and Relief Boise, Idaho
Trigeminal Neuralgia For 10 Years, Treatment and Relief Boise, Idaho
Trigeminal Neuralgia, Occipital Neuralgia, A Story of Recovery and Restoration BOISE IDAHO
Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment and Relief In Boise Idaho
Vertigo Caused By Neck Misalignment
Vertigo, Chronic Ear Infections and Migraine Headaches - Treatment and Relief Boise Idaho
Vertigo and Dizziness, Boise Idaho
Vertigo For 7 Years, Treatment and Relief Boise, Idaho
Vertigo, Headaches, Back Pain, and Leg Pain - Treatment and Relief Boise, Idaho
Vertigo, Migraines and Chronic Hip Pain
About Dr. Grayson Blom
Video Blog
What You Can Expect
What Is Upper Cervical Care?
Atlas Subluxation Complex (ASC)
A Vitalistic Approach
Conditions & Symptoms
Athletic Performance
Bell's Palsy
Birth Trauma
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Cervicogenic Headaches
Cervicogenic Vertigo or Dizziness
Chiari Malformation Syndrome
Chronic Pain Syndrome
Continuous Headache (Hemicranial Cephalalgia)
Cranio Cervical Abnormalities
Digestive Disorders
Ear Infections (Otitis Media)
Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia
High Blood Pressure
Inner Ear Disorders
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Low Back Pain
Mal De Barquement Syndrome
Migraine Headache
Multiple Sclerosis
Meniere's Disease
Neck Pain
Occipital Neuralgia | Occipital Headache
Pinched Nerve In The Neck (Cervical Radiculopathy)
Sciatica Symptoms
Seizure Disorders
(TMJ) Temporomandibular Joint
Neck & Tongue Syndrome
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Vertigo, Hearing Loss, Tinnitus
Schedule An Appointment
New Patient Application
Patient Transfers
Contact Us
Office Hours
Our Location
Video Testimonials
Arm and Hand Pain, Numbness, and Swelling - Relief Boise, Idaho
Back Pain, Mid Back Pain, Upper Back Pain, Shoulder Pain, Knee and Hip Pain, Ribs Popping Out - Treatment and Relief Boise, Idaho
Back Pain Relief, Boise Idaho
Blurred Vision, Sinus Problems and Asthma Symptom Relief
Chronic Headaches, Fatigue, Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, and Bad Hip Pain Treatment & Relief Boise Idaho
Chronic Headaches, Hip Pain and Shoulder Pain Relief
Chronic Neck and Back Pain With Symptoms of Being OFF Balance
Chronic Neck Pain and Hip Pain
Chronic Neck Pain, Shooting Pain Into The Neck & Back - Treatment & Relief Boise, Idaho
Chronic Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain and Thumb Pain Relief
Chronic Pain, Joint Swelling, Knee Pain, Leg and Hip Weakness, and Tremors Resolve
Chronic Pain, Low Back Pain, and Sciatica Symptom Relief
Constant Back Pain and Headache Relief
Constant Headache Day and Night With Black Dots In My Eye - Relief Boise Idaho
Constant Headaches With Intermittent Migraines - Relief Boise Idaho
Constant Neck Pain and Cervical Spine Disease Relief
Constant Neck Pain, Migraine Headaches, General Discomfort
Constant Neck/Upper Shoulder Pain & Tension With Chronic Headahces
Daily Headaches, Neck Pain, Hip and Back Pain Relief Boise Idaho
Daily Lower Back Pain Relief
Debilitating Migraine's, Failed Drug Therapies, Neck Pain, and Vertigo Relief Boise Idaho
Depression, Urinary Tract Problems
Dizziness, Headaches, and Neck Pain - Treatment Boise Idaho
Dizziness When Looking Up and Down, or Moving Too Fast - Resolved Boise Idaho
Dizziness That Feels Like I am Rocking In A Boat All The Time
Excessive Tearing In My Infant - Blocked Tear Duct Treatment Boise Idaho
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Numbness in Hands and Feet, Migraines Relief Boise Idaho
Fractured Skull, Pelvis, and Reversed Cervical Curve In A Two Year Old Girl
Frequent Headaches, Neck Pain, Upper Back Pain, Lower Back Pain, and Sciatica Symptoms
Headaches, Dizziness, Neck Pain, Low back Pain Treatment and Relief Boise Idaho
Headaches Every Day, Neck Pain and Back Pain Relief
Headaches, Hand Numbness, Neck Stiffness Relief in Boise, Idaho
Headache and Neck Pain Relief Boise Idaho
Headaches, Vertigo, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Vision Issues Treatment & Relief Boise Idaho
Head and Neck Pain, Digestive Issues, Relief Boise Idaho
Hemiplegic Migraines, Partial Paralysis of The Right Eye, Mouth, Arm, and Leg.
Hip Out of Place, Arm Pain Shoulder to Elbow, Allergies
Hip Pain, Lower Back Pain, Leg Numbness, and Knee Swelling Relief
Hip Pain and Neck Pain Relief Boise, Idaho
Insomnia, Chronic Neck and Shoulder Pain Treatment and Relief Boise Idaho
Intermittent Right Hip Pain, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain and Back Pain Relief
Intolerable Lower Back Pain, Hip Pain, Asthma Symptom Relief
Light Headedness, Balance Issues, Headaches, and Neck Pain
Loss of Smell & Taste, Headaches, Knee Pain
Low Back Pain, Headaches, Upper Back Numbness and Heart Palpitations
Low Back Pain Relief
Meniere's Disease and Migraine Headache Relief
Meniere's and Migraine Headaches Stopped - Relief Boise Idaho
Meniere's Disease and Neck Pain Relief Boise, Idaho
Meniere's Disease, Dizziness, Hearing Loss - Upper Cervical Chiropractic Can Help - Boise, Idaho
Meniere's Disease, Vertigo, Dizziness - Treatment and Relief Boise Idaho
Migraine's, Back Pain, Hip Pain, Jaw Pain, Heart Arrhythmia - Treatment & Relief Boise Idaho
Migraine Headache Relief Boise Idaho
Migraine Headaches, Neck Pain, Upper & Lower Back Pain Relief
Migraines, Headaches, Dizziness, Neck Pain and A Racing Heart - Relief Boise Idaho
Migraine Treatment and Relief, Boise Idaho
Neck Pain and Shoulder Pain Treatment and Relief Boise Idaho
Neck Pain & Shoulder Pain Relief
Neck Pain and Stiffness
Painful Headaches Several Times Per Week With Vertigo and Trigeminal Neuralgia
Post Surgical Leg and Low Back Pain Relief
Sciatica, Upper Back Pain, Spinal Fusion Relief
Seizures, Headaches, Dizziness Treatment and Relief Boise Idaho
Severe Headaches and Chronic Neck Pain
Severe Headaches for 12 Years - Relief Boise Idaho
Severe Migraines, Neck Pain, TMJ, MS Symptoms, Treatment & Relief Boise, Idaho
Severe Puking Migraine Headache Relief Boise Idaho
Shoulder Pain and Leg Pain Relief
Shoulder Pain Relief Boise Idaho
Sleeping Problems and Anxiety Relief
Spinal Fusion Pain, Constant Neck and Shoulder Pain Relief
Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, Vertigo, Meniere's Disease Relief Boise Idaho
Trigeminal Neuralgia, and Fibromyalgia Treatment and Relief Boise, Idaho
Trigeminal Neuralgia For 10 Years, Treatment and Relief Boise, Idaho
Trigeminal Neuralgia, Occipital Neuralgia, A Story of Recovery and Restoration BOISE IDAHO
Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment and Relief In Boise Idaho
Vertigo Caused By Neck Misalignment
Vertigo, Chronic Ear Infections and Migraine Headaches - Treatment and Relief Boise Idaho
Vertigo and Dizziness, Boise Idaho
Vertigo For 7 Years, Treatment and Relief Boise, Idaho
Vertigo, Headaches, Back Pain, and Leg Pain - Treatment and Relief Boise, Idaho
Vertigo, Migraines and Chronic Hip Pain
About Dr. Grayson Blom
Video Blog