upper cervical blogdr. blom Work Specifically in the neck and neck related disorders?
![]() No one wants to go through life experiencing headaches on a consistent basis. Unfortunately, such is the case for many. Did you know that there are actually quite a few different types of headaches? Consider the following list (we’ve included migraines even though a migraine is technically a neurological condition rather than a headache).
Natural Headache Relief Headaches are now understood to be neurovascular in nature. What does that mean? It means both the nervous system and the vascular system are involved. Yes, headache pain is often connected to the flow of both cerebrospinal fluid and blood. Thus, the proper alignment of the C1 and C2 vertebrae is vital. A misalignment can severely restrict the flow of these two vital neurovascular fluids. Upper cervical chiropractors, such as Dr. Grayson Blom in Boise, Idaho, specialize in treating C1 and C2 subluxation. Through diagnostic imaging techniques, a misalignment can be determined. Gentle adjustments can correct the misalignment. The result is a free flow of blood and cerebrospinal fluid. For many, the result has been reduced headache symptoms in as little as 1-2 adjustments. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Blom click the button below or call 208-559-0541 References:
![]() If you suffer from Vertigo, and you hear constant ringing, it is possible you might have Meniere's Disease. If you do, then you'll deal with hearing loss that will come for a period and then go, Tinnitus (you'll hear ringing), you'll feel fullness or pressure in your ear, and you'll also experience periods of Vertigo. Meniere's Disease Now, anyone at any age can experience Meniere's Disease, but people in their 40's and 50's are the most susceptible. No one is sure of the exact cause of this disease, but current research suggests either a large amount of a certain type of fluid in the inner ear may be the cause. In order to understand how something as simple as an abundance of fluid can effect a person so drastically, it is important to understand how the inner ear works. This part of the ear, which is the part of the ear closest to the brain, that transmits the vibrations we call sound to the brain. Hair-like sensors within this part of the ear respond to fluids that flow through it. In order for the inner ear to respond properly to those fluids, it is important that the right amount, pressure, and chemical compound flow through this portion of the ear. Research suggests that an improper flow of these fluids may be the cause of Meniere's Disease. Though, it is possible that there may be other causes, which we listed below. To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book Other Possible Causes:
Moving Past Meniere's Now that you know what the possible causes are of this disease, you can take the next step and find out the exact cause. You can do that by not ignoring the symptoms or just trying to medicate the symptoms. You can do that by seeking out the care of an Upper Cervical Chiropractor, so they can find the cause of your Meniere's Disease. They will do that by examining your upper neck vertebrae for any misalignments in your upper cervical spine that may be the underlying cause of your Meniere's Disease. If they find any misalignments, they will make the necessary adjustments in order to correct those misalignments. A misalignment in your upper cervical spine of only ¼ of a millimeter can place enough pressure on the brainstem to hinder the brain's ability to communicate with the body, but realigning those top two vertebrae in your spine will restore that communication process and allow your body to begin to heal itself. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Blom click the button below or call 208-559-0541 |
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