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Athletes are often plagued by migraines, and a strong connection has been seen between this condition and playing contact sports. Let’s discuss two types of migraines and how they occur. Then we will take a look at the best way to care for them. Trauma-Induced MigrainesTrauma migraines happen when the function of the brain is temporarily disturbed. This is usually brought about by a low-intensity blow to the head. Some symptoms that may accompany this condition are:
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines download our complimentary e-book. Post-Traumatic MigrainesAnother Trauma Related Migraine, Post-traumatic migraines occur after one has been injured and is related to trauma to the brain by which brain function has been changed. The symptoms can be a tension headache, a migraine, or even a daily headache. Williams and Nukada studied 29 subjects who had post-traumatic headaches due to contact sports, mostly caused by minor injuries. Their symptoms were:
Where To Find Migraine ReliefWith contact sports, there is a high probability that the connective tissues holding the spine in place will at some point tear loose resulting in the spine breaking down and locking into a stressed position. The upper two bones of the neck (Atlas and Axis) can then misalign causing the weight of the head to shift off center. Migraine headaches are frequently the result due to the negative impact to the brain stems ability to function. Dr. Grayson Blom is an Upper Cervical Chiropractor located in Boise Idaho. He is trained and certified in the Upper Cervical Procedure. If you suspect that you may have upper cervical spinal misalignment causing your Migraine symptoms we invite you to schedule a consultation with us to determine if you are a candidate for Upper Cervical Care. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Blom call our Boise Office at 208-559-0541 or just click the button below. REFERENCES:1. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/410862_1
2. http://thejns.org/doi/abs/10.3171/jns.1988.68.2.0181%40col.2012.116.issue-6?journalCode=col
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