upper cervical blogdr. blom Work Specifically in the neck and neck related disorders?
What is the Orthospinology Procedure?![]() If we take the word Orthospinology and break it down it could be said that it is the study of restoring the spine to an upright balanced position or orthogonal position. The orthospinology procedure is an evidence-based approach to spinal care that is based upon engineering principles as researched and developed by John F. Grostic. It should be noted that the Orthospinology procedure has been around for over 60 years and its clinical validity is supported by over 100+ peer-reviewed indexed references!! Dr. Grostic's work has allowed the upper cervical chiropractor the ability to quantify and assess the subluxation and its correction like never before. The Orthospinology procedure is a series of steps that build on each other. 1. Precision x-ray machine alignment 2. Accurate patient placement for x-ray assessment 3. Meticulous x-ray analysis 4. Careful patient table placement 5. Precision spinal correction 6. Post spinal correction assessment There are many details and intricacies that go into and build up to a precision spinal correction. It should be noted that Dr. Grostic's work has been an incredible advancement to the principle and practice of upper cervical chiropractic care. |
Dr. Blom is an Upper Cervical Chiropractor specializing in the detection and correction of atlas subluxation in Boise Idaho. If you suspect you have a neck problem and would like to look into it further feel free to call and schedule a consultation to determine if you are a candidate for care. (208) 559-0541 or you can click the link to schedule. |

Your Child and an MS Report
Every parent wants the best for their child. That desire is so deep that new parents cheer when they count ten fingers and ten toes on their newborn children. That desire never stops, and parents will do almost anything to make sure their kids grow up happy and healthy.
Unfortunately, as much as we love our kids, we just can't prevent bad things from happening to them all of the time. Most of the time those bad things happen in the form of bumps, bruises, and and scrapes. But sometimes they come in the form of a doctor reporting bad news to us about our children.
One negative report that no parent wants to hear of their child is that they have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). News like that has a tendency to change one's life and not for the better.
Multiple Sclerosis and Nerve Damage
So what exactly happens in multiple sclerosis?
Your nerve cells are protected by a protective covering called the Myelin Sheath in multiple sclerosis that myelin sheath has been damaged. That nerve damage causes signals in your body to slow down or stop, and that means communication between your brain and your body is hindered.
It is believed that an autoimmune reaction is part of the problem when it comes to multiple sclerosis. Whereas your body begins to attack the myelin sheath and destroy it. But what is leading to the autoimmune reaction in the first place? This is the question that continues to challenge multiple sclerosis researchers. One of the most common theories today centers around chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency also known as CCSVI.
Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency is a condition where people have obstructed blood flow in the veins that drain the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord). Research indicates that CCSVI is significantly correlated with multiple sclerosis.
As a result of these venous abnormalities, the blood flow rate through the central nervous system back toward the heart may become slowed, and blood may reflux
People with CCSVI have one or more of the following blockages of the veins that drain blood from the central nervous system:
Every parent wants the best for their child. That desire is so deep that new parents cheer when they count ten fingers and ten toes on their newborn children. That desire never stops, and parents will do almost anything to make sure their kids grow up happy and healthy.
Unfortunately, as much as we love our kids, we just can't prevent bad things from happening to them all of the time. Most of the time those bad things happen in the form of bumps, bruises, and and scrapes. But sometimes they come in the form of a doctor reporting bad news to us about our children.
One negative report that no parent wants to hear of their child is that they have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). News like that has a tendency to change one's life and not for the better.
Multiple Sclerosis and Nerve Damage
So what exactly happens in multiple sclerosis?
Your nerve cells are protected by a protective covering called the Myelin Sheath in multiple sclerosis that myelin sheath has been damaged. That nerve damage causes signals in your body to slow down or stop, and that means communication between your brain and your body is hindered.
It is believed that an autoimmune reaction is part of the problem when it comes to multiple sclerosis. Whereas your body begins to attack the myelin sheath and destroy it. But what is leading to the autoimmune reaction in the first place? This is the question that continues to challenge multiple sclerosis researchers. One of the most common theories today centers around chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency also known as CCSVI.
Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency is a condition where people have obstructed blood flow in the veins that drain the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord). Research indicates that CCSVI is significantly correlated with multiple sclerosis.
As a result of these venous abnormalities, the blood flow rate through the central nervous system back toward the heart may become slowed, and blood may reflux
People with CCSVI have one or more of the following blockages of the veins that drain blood from the central nervous system:
- Stenosis is an abnormal narrowing of the veins that restricts blood flow. Types of stenoses include the collapse of the vein, twisting of the vein, ring-like narrowings in the vein, and other similar obstructions
- An abnormal valve, flap, or membrane that blocks or inhibits blood flow through the veins
- Atresia, hypoplasia, or agenesis are severe venous problems, including veins that are partially closed, underdeveloped, minimally formed, or almost entirely missing
- CCSVI's existence and association with MS has received broad support from a wide range of studies conducted across three continents.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
- CCSVI may be the result of a misalignment of the upper neck. The misalignment of the upper neck could lead to CCSVI and CCSVI could lead to the autoimmune reaction that leads to the multiple sclerosis.
pper Cervical Care & Multiple Sclerosis
Some of the newest and most relevant research on upper cervical care has demonstrated the link between MS and the upper cervical spine. Although upper cervical care is not considered a cure for those with MS, the studies demonstrate the extreme benefits for those suffering with this debilitating neurological disease. A study published in 2005 revealed that 100% of the patients with Multiple Sclerosis had a history of upper cervical injuries whether months old or years old. Another recently published case study has shown that correction of upper neck injuries may reverse the progression of MS. Dr. Erin Elster, an upper cervical chiropractor, performed the research. Through the use of upper cervical care, Elster corrected chronic upper neck injuries in an MS patient, which may have stimulated a reversal of his MS symptoms. These results have been duplicated in upper cervical centers across the country and have shown the same promising results. Elster’s report was published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research. It stated that, “According to medical research, head and neck injuries have long been considered a cause of Multiple Sclerosis. But this is the first research to show that correction of those injuries can have dramatic effects on reversing MS.” In light of these recent reports, it is absolutely essential, if you have MS, that you have your spine and nervous system examined by an upper cervical doctor.
- See more at: http://www.uppercervicalcare.com/Can-UCC-Help-Me/Multiple-Sclerosis#sthash.yd9N7vv7.dpuf
What to Do Next
To find an upper cervical chiropractor in your area go to www.upcspine.com or if you are in the Boise Idaho area, just click the button to schedule an appointment.
Some of the newest and most relevant research on upper cervical care has demonstrated the link between MS and the upper cervical spine. Although upper cervical care is not considered a cure for those with MS, the studies demonstrate the extreme benefits for those suffering with this debilitating neurological disease. A study published in 2005 revealed that 100% of the patients with Multiple Sclerosis had a history of upper cervical injuries whether months old or years old. Another recently published case study has shown that correction of upper neck injuries may reverse the progression of MS. Dr. Erin Elster, an upper cervical chiropractor, performed the research. Through the use of upper cervical care, Elster corrected chronic upper neck injuries in an MS patient, which may have stimulated a reversal of his MS symptoms. These results have been duplicated in upper cervical centers across the country and have shown the same promising results. Elster’s report was published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research. It stated that, “According to medical research, head and neck injuries have long been considered a cause of Multiple Sclerosis. But this is the first research to show that correction of those injuries can have dramatic effects on reversing MS.” In light of these recent reports, it is absolutely essential, if you have MS, that you have your spine and nervous system examined by an upper cervical doctor.
- See more at: http://www.uppercervicalcare.com/Can-UCC-Help-Me/Multiple-Sclerosis#sthash.yd9N7vv7.dpuf
- 1. Zamboni P, Galeotti R, Menegatti E, et al. Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in patients with multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 2009; 80: 392-399
- 2. Al-Omari MH, Rousan, LA. Internal jugular vein morphology and hemodynamics in patients with multiple sclerosis. International Angiology. April, 2010; 29(2):115-120
- 3. Simka M, Kestecki J, Zaniewski M, Majewski E, Hartel M. Extracranial Doppler sonographic criteria of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in the patients with multiple sclerosis. International Angiology. April, 2010; 29(2): 109-114
- 4. Zivadinov R, Schirda C, Dwyer MG, et al. Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency and iron deposition on susceptibility-weighted imaging in patients with multiple sclerosis: a pilot case-control study. Int Angiol. 2010 Apr;29(2):158-75.
- 5. Zamboni P, Consorti G, Galeotti R, Gianesini S, Menegatti E, Tacconi G, Carinci F. Venous collateral circulation of the extracranial cerebrospinal outflow routes. Curr Neurovasc Res. 2009 Aug;6(3):204-12.
- 6. Simka M, Kostecki J, Zaniewski M, Majewski E, Hartel M, et al. Endovascular treatment for chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency: is the procedure safe? Phlebology. 2010 Dec;25(6):286-95.
- 7. Menegatti E, Genova V, Tessari M, Malagoni AM, Bartolomei I, Zuolo M, Galeotti R, Salvi F, Zamboni P. The reproducibility of colour Doppler in chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency associated with multiple sclerosis. Int Angiol. 2010 Apr;29(2):121-6.
- 8. Zivadinov R, Marr K, Cutter G, Ramanathan M, Benedict RH, Kennedy C, Elfadil M, Yeh AE, Reuther J, Brooks C, Hunt K, Andrews M, Carl E, Dwyer MG, Hojnacki D, Weinstock-Guttman B. Prevalence, sensitivity, and specificity of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in MS.Neurology. 2011 Jul 12;77(2):138-44.
What to Do Next
To find an upper cervical chiropractor in your area go to www.upcspine.com or if you are in the Boise Idaho area, just click the button to schedule an appointment.
A short video on upper cervical chiropractic care in Boise Idaho. Please note the global effect head and neck misalignment can have on the rest of the spine.
Are You A Candidate For Upper Cervical Care?
Dr. Grayson Blom works with a nationwide group of Doctors expertly trained and specializing in the Upper Cervical Procedure. Dr. Blom is also one of the few Doctors in the state of Idaho trained and certified in the Upper Cervical Procedure.
We are dedicated to helping patients just like you who suffer from migraines, headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain and other spinal-related disorders.
You can call our office directly at (208) 559-0541 or you can request a consultation by clicking the link below.
We are dedicated to helping patients just like you who suffer from migraines, headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain and other spinal-related disorders.
You can call our office directly at (208) 559-0541 or you can request a consultation by clicking the link below.

Upper cervical chiropractic care also known as SPECIFIC CHIROPRACTIC is a little known health care system that has helped millions of people get their health and life back. This form of health care has been helping people with HEADACHES, NECK PAIN, SHOULDER PAIN, ARM PAIN, VERTIGO and BACK PAIN and other spinal related disorders for over 118 years now.
This form of health care was developed, practiced and researched by Dr. B.J. Palmer. There were other upper cervical chiropractic pioneers that made a tremendous contributions to upper cervical chiropractic as well such as: Dr. William G. Blair, Dr. John F. Grostic, Dr. Ralph Gregory, et.al.
This form of health care was developed, practiced and researched by Dr. B.J. Palmer. There were other upper cervical chiropractic pioneers that made a tremendous contributions to upper cervical chiropractic as well such as: Dr. William G. Blair, Dr. John F. Grostic, Dr. Ralph Gregory, et.al.
What Does Upper Cervical Mean?
The term Upper Cervical refers to the top two bones in the neck. An Upper Cervical Chiropractor is someone that has specialized training and is different than a general Chiropractor and deals SPECIFICALLY with the upper two bones in the neck.
Very interesting and of note is the fact that the very top neck bones are called the ATLAS and AXIS. Atlas is derived from the Greek God ATLAS as he holds up your world i.e. your head. The second neck bone is called AXIS and ATLAS rests or stands on top of AXIS. It is not widely known to the general public that brain stem exits the floor of the skull and runs through these top two neck bones. The purpose of the spine is to protect the brain stem and the spinal cord which runs through the bones of the spine as well as provides a base of support for the body.
Very interesting and of note is the fact that the very top neck bones are called the ATLAS and AXIS. Atlas is derived from the Greek God ATLAS as he holds up your world i.e. your head. The second neck bone is called AXIS and ATLAS rests or stands on top of AXIS. It is not widely known to the general public that brain stem exits the floor of the skull and runs through these top two neck bones. The purpose of the spine is to protect the brain stem and the spinal cord which runs through the bones of the spine as well as provides a base of support for the body.
How Much Does The Human Head Weigh?
The human head weighs between 10-16 pounds which is very similar to the weight of a bowling ball. The actual weight of the human head is not fully appreciated until you have held a bowling ball in your own hands to get a sense of what we are describing. There are a series of muscles, ligaments, and tendons that hold the head up right to create stability.
Where Do We Get Our Range of Motion In The Neck?
The upper two neck bones provide the vast majority of your range of motion for the head and neck thus sacrificing mobility for stability. Also due to the nature and arrangement of the muscles, ligaments and tendons the upper neck is also one of the easiest areas of the spine to injure. All the bones beneath AXIS or the second neck bone on down have an interlocking nature limiting how far the bones can move. Again imagine putting a bowling ball on a stick and trying to keep it upright and centered, think of all the coordinated muscle effort that would take.
Many people also do not know that the top two neck bones play a tremendous role in the bodies overall posture. There are more sensors in the upper neck monitoring head position and making necessary changes below in the lower spine than any other area of the body.
If the upper two bones are in ALIGNMENT then the spine is very strong and stable. If they become MISALIGNED due to accident or injury then a weaknesses in the spine will develop. In addition the portion of the nervous system (brain stem) that runs through the top two neck bones ATLAS/AXIS can become compromised which can mimic many different types of health problems depending on your individual anatomy.
Many people also do not know that the top two neck bones play a tremendous role in the bodies overall posture. There are more sensors in the upper neck monitoring head position and making necessary changes below in the lower spine than any other area of the body.
If the upper two bones are in ALIGNMENT then the spine is very strong and stable. If they become MISALIGNED due to accident or injury then a weaknesses in the spine will develop. In addition the portion of the nervous system (brain stem) that runs through the top two neck bones ATLAS/AXIS can become compromised which can mimic many different types of health problems depending on your individual anatomy.
Why Is The Brain Stem So Important?
Neurologically speaking the brain stem is the most important area of the body because this is the fuse box area of the body. Ever area of the body must first connect to the brain stem before it can get to the brain. Thus a problem in the upper neck can cause many strange symptoms in addition to headaches, neck pain, and back pain.
The brain stem is also very important as this is the area of the body that controls body systems like circulation, digestions, respiration, hormones, consciousness, sleep/wake cycles, muscles, etc. etc. (pick a body process and it has a corresponding center in the brain stem)
A great way to understand the MISALIGNMENT of one of the upper two neck bones is to picture a rubber band around the brain stem squeezing down. This will alter or interfere with how the brain talks back and forth with the body. The bottom line is the body will not function as it should. The logical and simple understanding is that if your brain cannot properly communicate with all areas of your body then you cannot be 100% healthy.
The brain stem is also very important as this is the area of the body that controls body systems like circulation, digestions, respiration, hormones, consciousness, sleep/wake cycles, muscles, etc. etc. (pick a body process and it has a corresponding center in the brain stem)
A great way to understand the MISALIGNMENT of one of the upper two neck bones is to picture a rubber band around the brain stem squeezing down. This will alter or interfere with how the brain talks back and forth with the body. The bottom line is the body will not function as it should. The logical and simple understanding is that if your brain cannot properly communicate with all areas of your body then you cannot be 100% healthy.
What is The Concept of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care?
The concept of Upper Cervical Care is that accidents and injuries can tear loose the connective tissues of of the upper cervical spine allowing the upper two neck bones to misalign and lock out into a stressed position. The weight of the head being 10-16 pounds is forced off center relative to the neck resulting in compensations in the spine below to counter balance the head being off center; then stress, pressure, and irritation will result in those areas that come under stress, thus causing a decrease in function in these corresponding areas of the body.
Dr. Blom
Upper Cervical Chiropractor
4869 W. Malad St.,
Suite D
Boise, ID 83705
Atlas Subluxation
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