upper cervical blogdr. blom Work Specifically in the neck and neck related disorders?
A normal adult Atlanto-Dental-Interspace (ADI) is ≤ 3mm. A normal child ADI can range from 1-5mm, (figure 1). What Is The Most Common Cause For ADI Disruption?Trauma - This is by far the most common. An accident or injury has occurred that has torn the Transverese Atlantal Ligament (TAL). (figure 2) How Is The ADI Measured?Typically the Atlanto-Dental-Interspace is measured on a neutral lateral cervical x-ray from the bottom of the anterior tubercle to the anterior surface of the odontoid process of (C2). (figure 3). How Is The ADI Tested For Stability?Typically flexion-extension x-rays are taken with the patient tipping their head forward and back to determine ligament stability or laxity of the Atlanto-Dental-Interspace.
Don't worry you are not alone the term used to describe this type of vestibular disorder which would be further categorized as a form of dizziness is called Mal De Barquement syndrome. The term Mal De Barquement is a French phrase for "sickness from disembarkation" and disembarkation means to get off a ship or aircraft. Mal De Barquement syndrome is a persistent dizziness where you have a continuous feeling of rocking, swaying, or bobbing. This is a form of dizziness that is in fact quite rare. The standard treatment is drug therapy which is only designed to temporarily cover up the symptoms. In our experience drugs do not work well for Mad De Barquement syndrome not to mention the body damaging side effects of drug therapies. To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below. Mal De Barquement syndrome is frequently associated with a previous head or neck injury. Our clinical experience further supports this notion. The problem that eventually leads to dizziness and vertigo symptoms in many people is a thing called Subluxation. A Subluxation occurs due to a previous accident or injury that created enough force to displace the upper two neck bones called Atlas and Axis. Collectively Atlas and Axis are known as the upper cervical spine. Initially misalignment of the upper cervical spine does not always result in symptoms right away (it can but just not typically). The average time to onset of symptoms from upper cervical spinal misalignment is 10-15 years and with vestibular disorders it is typically 20-30 years ago where there was an injury that traumatized the head or neck. The solution to Mal De Barquement syndrome is to have your neck evaluated for Subluxation of the upper cervical spine. Dr. Grayson Blom of Boise Idaho is an Upper Cervical Chiropractic specialist that specializes in the detection correction and treatment of upper cervical spinal misalignment (Subluxation) and other spinal related disorders. Dr. Grayson Blom is an Upper Cervical Chiropractor located in Boise Idaho. He is trained and certified in the Upper Cervical Procedure. If you suspect that you may have upper cervical spinal misalignment causing your symptoms we invite you to schedule a consultation with us to determine if you are a candidate for Upper Cervical Care (208) 559-0541 or you can send a consultation request by clicking the link. Natural Treatment For Mal De Barquement Syndrome |
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