upper cervical blogdr. blom Work Specifically in the neck and neck related disorders?
Vertigo can hit suddenly and without warning. One may be performing normal daily activities or be in the middle of a work day, and suddenly the room seems to spin. The person may now need to sit or lie down until the sensation passes leading to the entire day being ruined. Other symptoms that may accompany vertigo are:
Caring For VertigoOne may begin the journey of finding help for vertigo by visiting an ear, nose, and throat doctor. This specialist may recommend such things as:
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book NATURAL, DRUG-FREE VERTIGO RELIEF IN BOISE IDAHOAt Upper Cervical Health Center Boise, we focus on making sure that the spine is in proper alignment. We look specifically at the C1 and C2 vertebrae. The C1 or Atlas has the important job of protecting the brainstem. If it becomes misaligned, brainstem function may be disrupted. This is the communication superhighway between the brain and body. If signals become distorted, vertigo can be the end result. We use a gentle, precise method to correct the upper bones of the neck back into place. Once this is done, the body can begin heal and repair. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Blom click the button below or call 208-559-0541
They say 8 out of 10 Americans will experience low back pain at some point in their life and if you are 1 of those 8 you know all too well that low back pain can be debilitating. Low back pain is the number one cause of disability worldwide! It is also interesting that lower back problems tend to be more common in women than men and the majority of low back pain cases reported are from people that spend most of their time working at a desk. They also say $50 billion a year is spent on symptom treatment for low back pain and the cost in lost work is somewhere around $100 billion. Back pain without a doubt is a big financial burden not only to those who suffer but to society in general. |
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November 2024