upper cervical blogdr. blom Work Specifically in the neck and neck related disorders?
Americans who suffer from migraines number 38 million men, women, and children. Worldwide this number is nearly 1 billion! Almost everyone knows someone who suffers from migraines. For these ones, it is vital to find out what could be triggering these neurological events to happen in order to try to avoid them. Some food-related triggers though to be common are:
The National Headache Foundation recently studied 150 migraine patients and found an interesting connection. Not only do the above foods trigger migraines in some people, but they can also actually prevent them in others. In 3 of the participants, caffeine triggered a migraine, while in 32 it prevented one. Oddly enough, onions – not usually thought to be a problem – caused migraines in 14 of the study contributors. To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines download our complimentary e-book. It remains a mystery why some foods cause migraines or why the same foods can also prevent them. One theory involves the nervous system and how effectively the nerves relay messages to and from the brain and body. Improving Migraines by Helping Nerve Function Here at Upper Cervical Health Center Boise, we look for misalignments that may lie in the topmost vertebra of the neck – the atlas. If the atlas is out of place, undue stress may be placed on the spinal cord and brainstem (parts of the central nervous system). This means that signals being sent via the brainstem become distorted and can be the reason that migraines are happening. We use a gentle, effective method to help the atlas to realign itself naturally. This helps the pressure within the brainstem and spinal cord to dissipate, leading to better function of nerves in this area. Many patients report seeing success in caring for migraines this way. Often migraines improve after just a few visits. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Blom to determine if you care a candidate for care please click the button below or call (208) 559-0541.
Vertigo can be unnerving and is often described as a sensation of spinning – be it the person or the things around him. In only 50% of vertigo cases can the doctor find an actual reason, leaving the other half wondering why it is happening. Most often, head and neck trauma is seen to be the underlying cause. During a recent study, 60 patients who suffered from vertigo were observed. Upon receiving their medical history, an interesting pattern began to develop. It was noted that 93% of these had undergone some form of trauma affecting the head or neck. The accidents involved such things as: - Horseback riding - Vehicle accidents - Skiing - Tripping and falling Only 4 of those included in the study could not recall having any trauma. The intensity of the damage did not seem to play a role, and neither did it matter if the trauma was recent or many years ago. It is not a coincidence that vertigo developed in the majority of people who have had some sort of injury to the neck. Why do head and neck injuries lead to vertigo? To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book An Overlooked Potential Cause of Vertigo The top bones of the neck – the C1 and C2 vertebrae – have the important job of protecting the brainstem. However, they are also quite susceptible to injury because of their location and ability to move freely. If they become misaligned, they can put the brainstem under stress and cause it to send faulty signals to and from the brain and body. This can wreak havoc on the entire body and cause such issues as vertigo and other health problems.
Here at our Boise, Idaho office, we employ a gentle method to help these bones to realign naturally. It does not require us to crack or pop the neck or back. When the bones are back in their proper position, the body can begin to function at its peak once again. Proper communication is restored between the brain and body. This is often all that is needed to see an improvement in or remission of vertigo. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Blom click the button below or call 208-559-0541 |
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