upper cervical blogdr. blom Work Specifically in the neck and neck related disorders?
![]() During the summertime, migraines seem to be a more common complaint. Why do migraines and headaches become more common in the summer season? Here are a few possibilities:
Prevention is an important part of dealing with debilitating migraines. Figuring out your triggers can help you to avoid situations that may put you in a bad state for hours or even days. Sometimes, it may be as easy as remembering to drink water on a hot summer day. However, migraines often have an underlying cause that can’t be affected by lifestyle changes. This is because the C1 and C2 vertebrae in the upper neck can cause migraines by putting pressure on the brainstem. Is there anything you can do? To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines download our complimentary e-book A Solution to the Underlying Cause of Migraines
If you live in or around Boise, Idaho, Dr. Grayson Blom can help you to find natural relief for your migraines. Dr. Blom is an upper cervical chiropractor and specializes in realigning the C1 and C2 vertebrae. By removing this interference from your central nervous system, you may experience natural and side effect free relief from your migraines. Even if you don’t feel neck pain, the slightest misalignment can cause blood flow problems. A consultation can help you to discover if upper cervical chiropractic is the solution to your migraine woes. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Blom click the button below or call 208-559-0541
![]() No one likes to suffer from a headache. However, for most people, they know that once a headache is gone they will not get another one for a few days, weeks, or even months. There are others, though, that cannot get over them that quickly. If they do, they are prepared to get another one within the next couple of days. That’s right; there really are people who can have headaches for 15 or more days a month. These are referred to as chronic headache sufferers. The pain that chronic headache sufferers experience can be put into several subcategories:
Do These Headaches Affect the Brain?
If you were to do some research on recent studies conducted, you would find some that compare the brains of those with chronic headaches to those without chronic headaches. Those who do not suffer from chronic headaches have no changes in their brain tissue. However, those that do suffer with them over a long period of time had a result of a dramatic loss of brain tissue. Is there anything worse than a chronic headache? Yes, a migraine headache. Migraines are not even headaches, but rather a neurological problem that manifests itself as a headache. The symptoms of a migraine are pain that usually affects one side of the head (but not always) and causes a throbbing, pulsing or pounding sensation. They also can cause sensitivity to smells, sounds, and/or light. Sometimes sufferers even experience nausea and vomiting. Migraine headaches and chronic headaches share some similarities. Along with pain in the head, they both show significant changes in brain tissue. No interconnection has been made to show why these brain changes happen. Spine’s University’s Guide to Neuroplasticity and Chronic Pain show what research is being done in this area. A Common Solution The differences in migraine headaches and chronic headaches abound; however, there is a common solution that works for both. Upper cervical chiropractors are trained to examine the upper neck area for misalignments. Injuries to the head or neck can lead to these misalignments, that, in turn, can lead to headaches and migraines. The flow of blood and cerebrospinal fluid, due to misalignments, can change. This will affect the nervous system. Once these misalignments are gently, precisely, and effectively corrected by an upper cervical chiropractor, such as Dr. Grayson Blom of Boise, Idaho, healing can begin to take place. Dr. Blom can examine your upper neck vertebrae for any misalignments that may be causing you a problem. He can then make the needed adjustments that will relieve pressure and bring relief from that pain in your head. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Blom click the button below or call 208-559-0541 |
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