upper cervical blogdr. blom Work Specifically in the neck and neck related disorders?
A simple explanation of a pinched nerve in the neck is that there is only so much space for the nerves and blood vessels that exit the bony rings of the spine. If any of the surrounding tissues become inflamed, or close down the opening to pinch the nerve in anyway, then over time you will develop a pinched nerve condition. The medical term for this condition is called cervical radiculopathy.
The most common cause of a pinched nerve in the neck is not an acute trauma but a SPINAL DEGENERATIVE PROCESS that occurs slowly over time (ref 1,6,9). By the time symptoms start to develop the condition is usually quite advanced. The issue here is that most people do not in any way attempt to care for their spine throughout their lifetime, and in many cases it is not until they have developed some serious symptoms, and very likely some level of permanent damage that they will then decide that it is time to see a Doctor. By far the MOST COMMON SYMPTOMS of a pinched nerve is not only pain, but the possibility of numbness, tingling, and even weakness in the muscles that are supplied by the nerve(s) being affected. The next most common area of the spine where a compressed nerve is likely to show up is in the lower back (lumbar radiculopathy). To get to the CAUSE of the problem and prevent further damage you have to consider the relationship of the head and neck and how this affects posture in the cervical spine and lower spinal column. Subluxation Induced Cervical Radiculopathy (A Pinched Nerve In The Neck)![]()
A Subluxation occurs when the connective tissues that hold the upper cervical spine together are torn loose allowing one of the upper two neck bones to misalign and lock out into a stressed position (ref: 13,14,15 et. al.). This will result in the head being stuck off center. The weight of the human head is between 10 and 16 pounds which is much heavier than people realize. So an upper cervical spinal misalignment resulting in the head being stuck off center creates a situation where THE SPINAL COLUMN BELOW HAS TO COMPENSATE (study figure 1).
What if you suffered an injury to your head or neck, that interfered with the alignment of the head relative to the upper two neck bones? What if this resulted in SPINAL COMPENSATIONS in the lower spine, reducing or blocking the spinal columns ability to right itself?? Could this cause some sort of health problem or spinal complaint? Such as pain, numbness, tingling, burning, weakness etc. Could a Subluxation cause a pinched nerve in the neck? According to research it can! (ref: 1,2,3,4,5). Could a Subluxation create high stress areas in the lower spine that result in spinal decay and degeneration over time? According to research it can! (ref: 6,7,8,9,10) Could a Subluxation make it very easy for spinal discs to degenerate, bulge, or herniate? According to research it can! (ref: 1,2,3,4,5) The most common CAUSE of Subluxation is a previous injury to the head or neck such as: a hard slip or a fall, a motor vehicle accident, a sport injury etc. In virtually all cases the average time it takes for symptoms of a Subluxation to start showing up is 10-15 years and in many cases even longer than that. In many cases damage to the spine can be dated to give us an approximation of when the Subluxation began. As we have noted in the past, it is quite remarkable how often this matches up with a previous injury the patient sustained in the years prior, which is just now producing symptoms. Upper Cervical Care For The Correction of Subluxation![]()
Upper Cervical Chiropractic care is a systematic approach to locate, and correct injuries to the upper neck. This is achieved by a procedure that is designed to:
1. determine the nature and extent of the spinal injury, 2. determine disruption to nervous system function using a form of thermography, 3. determine how long the spinal injury has been present and the prospects for correction. The bottom line is that a Subluxation is a neuro-vascular-degenerative disorder that interferes with the nervous systems ability to communicate back and forth with the body and therefore produces some sort of dysfunction. What type of problem develops from a Subluxation depends on a several different factors such as: 1. the nature and extent of the spinal injury, 2. how long has the injury been present?, 3. most importantly the patients unique anatomy in the upper cervical spinal area. Are You A Candidate For Upper Cervical Care?
Dr. Grayson Blom works with a nationwide group of Doctors expertly trained and specializing in the Upper Cervical procedure. Dr. Grayson Blom is also one of the few Doctors in the state of Idaho trained and certified in the Upper Cervical procedure. We are dedicated to helping patients just like you who suffer from a pinched nerve in the neck, cervical radiculopathy, disc bulge or herniation, headaches, migraines, neck pain, and other spinal-related disorders.
And right now, our office is offering a COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION to determine if you are a candidate for Upper Cervical care. Take the first step toward reclaiming your health… WHAT DO I DO NOW? Call our office (208) 559-0541 or fill out the consult request form above. That IS it.
Upper Cervical Chiropractic Specialist
5975 Overland Rd. Boise, Idaho 83709 REFERENCES: (click here got to the bottom of the page)
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