Upper cervical care focuses on a very important part of the nervous system known as the brain stem. There is a close relationship between the top two neck bones (also called the upper cervical spine), and the brain stem. The brain stem is the body’s control center, which controls and coordinates everything in the body. The brain stem comes down through the skull and ends near the top two neck bones. This creates a situation where the brain stem is vulnerable to injury or irritation in and around the upper neck or upper cervical area. The brain stem sends messages through the spinal cord to every cell, tissue, organ, and system within the body. The spinal cord acts just like thousands of telephone cables with all their individual wires or nerve fibers sending and receiving messages to and from every part of the body. All communication between the brain and the body MUST pass through the brain stem in order to get to the body.
Atlas and Axis are the top two neck bones and they are particularly vulnerable to injury and misalignment because of their unique shapes. So it seems obvious that if the brain stem controls, coordinates, and drives virtually all systems and vital functions within the body that a misalignment there, putting pressure on the brain stem thus interfering with communication between the brain and the body, would be one of the most commonly OVERLOOKED causes of health problems and conditions. When a misalignment occurs, therefore, getting upper cervical care should be considered. |
HOW Does An Upper Cervical Misalignment Begin?
An Upper cervical misalignment is caused by a physical trauma like a car accident, concussion, slips or falls, sports injury, work injury, etc.
The MOST fundamental principle of Chiropractic is that the body heals itself! It is a scientific fact that the central nervous system (brain, brainstem, and spinal cord - remember the brainstem is the central coordinator) controls and coordinates every function in the body, especially its ability to heal. The central nervous system is protected by the skull and spine. The nervous system via the brainstem controls and coordinates balance, blood pressure, breathing, digestion, emotions, glandular functions, hearing, heart rate, muscle tension, posture, smell, taste, touch, and vision to name a few. If the central nervous system’s ability to communicate gets interrupted - it is easy to see that this is can result in health problems.
The MOST fundamental principle of Chiropractic is that the body heals itself! It is a scientific fact that the central nervous system (brain, brainstem, and spinal cord - remember the brainstem is the central coordinator) controls and coordinates every function in the body, especially its ability to heal. The central nervous system is protected by the skull and spine. The nervous system via the brainstem controls and coordinates balance, blood pressure, breathing, digestion, emotions, glandular functions, hearing, heart rate, muscle tension, posture, smell, taste, touch, and vision to name a few. If the central nervous system’s ability to communicate gets interrupted - it is easy to see that this is can result in health problems.
Are You A Candidate For Upper Cervical Care?
All too often, upper cervical care is sought by patients as a last resort - having been to many other doctors, spent thousand's of dollars and been through years of traditional “let’s just cover up your symptoms” healthcare. The side effects from drug therapies have become a major concern for patients in recent years. What about the frustration of yet another drug recall due to its lethal side effects. Any treatment that does not address or even consider CAUSE is not logical or valid. Even worse is the fact that ignoring the cause and only treating symptoms will allow the problem to progress over time (YES this means you will get worse)! OUR GOAL is to correct the underlying cause without the use of drugs or surgery and it’s as simple as that. Call us for a Complimentary Consultation to discuss your health concerns and determine if Upper Cervical care is right for you.
Dr. Grayson Blom is a Boise, Idaho native that works with a nationwide group of Doctors expertly trained in the Upper Cervical procedure. Dr. Blom is also one of the few Doctors in the state of Idaho trained and certified in the Upper Cervical procedure.
If you suspect that you may have upper cervical spinal misalignment causing your symptoms we invite you to schedule a consultation with us to determine if you are a candidate for Upper Cervical Care (208) 559-0541 or you can send a consultation request by clicking below.
Dr. Grayson Blom is a Boise, Idaho native that works with a nationwide group of Doctors expertly trained in the Upper Cervical procedure. Dr. Blom is also one of the few Doctors in the state of Idaho trained and certified in the Upper Cervical procedure.
If you suspect that you may have upper cervical spinal misalignment causing your symptoms we invite you to schedule a consultation with us to determine if you are a candidate for Upper Cervical Care (208) 559-0541 or you can send a consultation request by clicking below.