upper cervical blogdr. blom Work Specifically in the neck and neck related disorders?
Migraine headaches can be very different from one person to the next, ranging from a throbbing pain to visual disturbance to nausea and vomiting. In other cases those that suffer can experience numbness and tingling in arms and legs that is usually one sided. And likewise headaches such as occipital headache to cluster headache to cervicogenic headache can occur presenting a wide range of symptoms with one common denominator, THE NECK! If you suffer with migraines or headaches the number one thing you should be investigating is treatment for a problem with the neck known as Atlas Subluxation Complex (ASC). ASC is the number one cause of chronic recurring headaches. If you are like the average case we see in the office, then you need to think back to when your migraines or headaches first started then go back 10-15 years and in a high percentage of cases you will have had an injury such as a car accident, slip or fall or even a sports injury. On average it takes about 10-15 years before you have accumulated enough damage to the point that you start noticing the symptoms. To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below. What is Atlas Subluxation Complex?Put simply Atlas Subluxation Complex is a previous accident or injury that resulted in damage to the connective tissues of the upper neck that has allowed for the misalignment of one or both of the top two neck bones often known as subluxation for short. Spinal misalignment in the upper two neck bones (Atlas and Axis) will occlude the opening where your nerves, blood vessels, and cerebrospinal fluid pass, creating a form of brain congestion, that over time (average of 10-15 years) will commonly result in migraines and headaches among other health problems. Where to Go For Help?Dr. Grayson Blom is an upper cervical spinal expert located in Boise Idaho. Dr. Blom is trained and certified in the upper cervical procedure to detect and correct Atlas Subluxation Complex.
If you suspect your headaches may be due to a previous injury to the head or neck then we invite you to call our office (208) 559-0541 or send us a consult request (click the link) so we can meet with you and discuss your problems so that we may determine if you are a candidate for upper cervical care.
What is Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care?Blair is a method of analyzing and correcting the upper cervical spinal misalignment (or Atlas Subluxation Complex - ASC) as developed by William G. Blair. Dr. Blair developed this method in part due to issues with common malformations of the upper cervical spinal column that are routinely observed on x-ray. Dr. Blair played a critical role in the development of the procedure and protocol to deal with these common malformations of the upper cervical spinal column when working with patients. Earlier in his career Dr. Blair had conducted a study using osteological specimens where he analyzed over 3,000 intact skull and cervical spinal columns with the goal of determining just how common malformations where in the upper cervical spine. It should also be noted that Dr. Blair developed his procedure and protocols utilizing 3-D stereoscopic x-ray imaging and he is also known as the developer of the legendary protracto view which is an oblique nasium film used to visualize the relationship and misalignment of the skull relative to atlas. A brief summary of some of the most common upper cervical spinal malformations are as follows: A turned foramen magnum was present 77% of the time. An anterior condyle was found 79% of the time. One condyle was found to be smaller measured from A-P 83% of the time. One condyle was found to be short compared to the ocular orbits 77% of the time. The entire foramen magnum and condyles were found to be off center 62% of the time. Knowing these things when analyzing and correcting spinal misalignment is of great significance when working with patients. It should be pointed out that many of the early upper cervical chiropractic pioneers helped develop the procedures and protocols to provide the modern day upper cervical chiropractor with the solid foundation to deliver the highest quality care for patients, that is not only highly precise, but extremely effective when it comes to the detection and correction of upper cervical spinal misalignment. Blair Trained Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Boise IdahoDr. Grayson Blom is an upper cervical chiropractor in Boise, Idaho that is trained and certified in the Blair Upper Cervical procedures and protocols. Correction of head and neck misalignment has been proven time and time again to be highly effective for people that suffer from the signs and symptoms of the "Atlas Subluxation Complex" (ASC), with some of the most common symptoms being headaches, vertigo, neck pain, shoulder/arm pain, back pain, hip/leg and sciatic pain. If you are looking for a Blair trained Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Boise Idaho then we invite you to schedule a consultation to meet with Dr. Blom. To schedule please click the link or you can give us a call directly at (208) 559-0541. We look forward to meeting you! References:1. Blair Upper Cervical Specific Certification Program, 4th edition, 2006.
2. Blair Upper Cervical Society: http://www.blairchiropractic.com If a person feels dizzy, he or she is lightheaded and may lose their balance. If one has vertigo, that person may feel like he or she is spinning or that the surrounding room is. A recent study, in May of 2015, revealed that eighty percent of people who got whiplash due to a traffic accident showed cerebrospinal hypervolemia, in other words, a decrease in the amount of fluid that acts as a cushion to the brain. This may be part of the cause for vertigo and dizziness. Dizziness, vertigo, and motion sickness all relate to the way the body is balanced. This occurs through a complicated interaction of the inner ear, the eyes, the sensory receptors of the muscles and joints, and the pressure receptors that are in the joints and spine. Most importantly, the central nervous system is involved. Made up of the spinal cord and brain, its job is to process the information needed to keep balance and equilibrium in check. If the brain begins receiving distorted signals from the body, vertigo and dizziness can occur. Why does this happen? To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book When the C1, also known as the atlas vertebra, suffers a misalignment from a fall, an auto accident, or other trauma it places undue pressure on the brainstem, which connects the brain and the spinal cord. The way that the body sends and processes information becomes hindered. This results in various health problems, vertigo and dizziness being two of them. By seeking the care of an upper cervical chiropractor, a person is taking the first step to recovery. We specialize in detecting misalignments in the upper part of the neck and then working with patients individually, according to their needs, to correct the problem. The advanced methods that we use have been studied thoroughly and have proved to be successful in treating vertigo, motion sickness, and dizziness. It is important for all to take note of the way their body is functioning and take steps to correct any misalignment that may have occurred and may be causing problems. We would be happy to schedule an examination. Relief of symptoms may be just around the corner.
WHAT IS KNEE CHEST UPPER CERVICAL SPECIFIC?Knee Chest Upper Cervical Specific (KCUCS) is a precision upper cervical chiropractic procedure that the developer of chiropractic Dr. Bartlett Joshua Palmer researched, developed and then shared with the Chiropractic profession in the spring of 1930 and he called it the HIO principle. HIO meaning "hole-in-one" just like in golf we want to accomplish our objective with one shot. Dr. Palmer discovered after many years of research that the only place a vertebral subluxation can exist is in the upper cervical spine (occipito-atlanto-axial region). The Knee Chest Upper Cervical spinal correction procedure is the original tried and true method of upper cervical spinal correction. It has been arguably the all-time best and most successful upper cervical spinal correction method since it was researched and developed by Dr. Palmer. The KCUCS teachings and traditions have been handed down through the generations through Dr. Lyle Sherman, Dr. Michael U. Kale, Dr. Robert Kessinger et.al, who have been instrumental in teaching the KCUCS work. The Knee Chest Upper Cervical Specific method developed by Dr. Palmer is commonly referred to as "Knee Chest" for short, in that the patient kneels down onto a specially designed table where they gently turn their head and place a small portion of their chest onto the table. Then a gentle precision vectored force is delivered, that is derived from x-ray analysis to correct the upper cervical spinal misalignment of atlas and axis relative to the opening at the base of the skull called the foramen magnum. Then the patient will comfortably rest for a period of time to allow the correction to seat and hold then a post analysis is performed to verify success of the correction. KNEE CHEST UPPER CERVICAL SPECIFIC CHIROPRACTOR IN BOISE IDAHODr. Grayson Blom is an upper cervical chiropractor in Boise, Idaho that is trained and certified in the Knee Chest Upper Cervical procedure. Correction of head and neck misalignment has been proven time and time again to be highly effective for people that suffer from the signs and symptoms of the "Atlas Subluxation Complex" (ASC), with some of the most common symptoms being headaches, vertigo, neck pain, shoulder/arm pain, back pain, hip/leg and sciatic pain. If you are looking for a KCUCS trained Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Boise Idaho then we invite you to schedule a consultation to meet with Dr. Blom. To schedule please click the link or you can give us a call directly at (208) 559-0541. We look forward to meeting you! REFERENCES1. Palmer BJ. The Subluxation Specific - The Adjustment Specific. Davenport Iowa 1934.
2. Palmer BJ. Chiropractic Clinical Controlled Research. Davenport Iowa 1951. 3. KCUCS Certification Program, 2001 Atlanta, Georgia. When a person suffers from the pain of migraines, it does him or her well to be informed about some important facts. Having this knowledge can actually help you to possibly reduce or even eliminate the severity and frequency of migraines. This is definitely need-to-know information! Medication Many people look to medication as the answer to migraines. While these do relieve the pain temporarily, they also can be the cause of worse pain later on. There is something referred to by doctors as medication-overuse headaches, also called rebound headaches. If you take painkillers (acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen) for your headache more than twice a week, or triptans (migraine medicine) more than 10 days a month, this can put you at risk for rebound headaches. Narcotics can also cause this to happen. The best way to deal with a migraine is to treat it without the use of medication. How is that possible? We will discuss that a little later. First, let's talk about another shocking fact about migraines. To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines download our complimentary e-book. Suicide Risk
Yes, that's correct. There has been a link discovered by Dr. Dawn Buse, a health psychologist at Montefiore Center in New York, between migraine headaches and depression. We know that depression leads to suicide in some people. Those that experience an aura (flashes of light) or other sensory problems are at an even greater risk. Dealing with migraine headaches is disabling, and the pain can be incapacitating. This can cause the quality of life of the sufferer to deteriorate, which can lead to depression. They may even seek extreme methods to eliminate the pain. What Can Be Done? The best way to find out where the pain is really coming from, and to address it, is to seek the care of an upper cervical chiropractor, such as Dr. Grayson Blom of Boise, Idaho. Dr. Blom has been specifically trained to look for misalignments in the upper neck. A misalignment of only ¼ of a millimeter puts pressure on the brainstem. This can cause nerve damage and signals to be misread by the brain. Once this misalignment is corrected, proper function returns and may lead to fewer headaches or it may even eliminate them altogether with no medication required. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Blom click the button below or call 208-559-0541 |
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