upper cervical blogdr. blom Work Specifically in the neck and neck related disorders?
Primary Headaches A primary headache is said to be due to the headache "condition" by itself. Primary headaches they say are the most common. The most common primary headache types are:
Secondary HeadachesA secondary headache is a headache that is caused by another condition other than the headache itself. The most common secondary headache types are:
The Most Common Cause of Chronic HeadachesWhether your headache is primary or secondary if we go with the law of averages the most common cause of chronic headaches is by far an underlying neck problem. The truth is there is overlap between primary and secondary headaches. This is why in our opinion primary and secondary headache definitions are a poor way to categorize headaches. All headaches are caused by something so these definitions make it confusing. We feel there is no need for the distinction of primary or secondary headache. We should also point out that the majority of people that suffer with chronic headaches will appear to have a stable predictable sequence of symptoms that will occur again and again over months and unfortunately in many cases years. Are You A Candidate For Upper Cervical CareAs we noted above underlying neck dysfunction is by far the most common cause of chronic headaches. Dr. Blom is a local upper cervical chiropractor that specializes in the treatment of neck and neck related disorders. If you suspect you have an underlying neck problem that may be causing your headaches you are more than welcome to give us a call directly to schedule an appointment (208) 559-0541 or you can click the link below to schedule. If you would like to learn more about the relationship between headaches and the neck you can download our ebook. Please note the main topic being discussed is migraine headache however much of the information relates to neck dysfunction that results in headaches.
A concussion is said to be a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI), that occurs due to a hit or blow to the head, neck or body, that results in a whiplash type injury where the head and brain move quickly back and forth. There is a high probability that a concussion type injury will not only damage the soft tissues of the brain, brainstem and spinal cord but also very commonly over looked is damage to the spinal structures where the head and neck meet. In many cases damage further down the spine will also occur. How to Spot A Possible ConcussionWhen someone has suffered a concussion it is wise to monitor them carefully and take appropriate action as needed. Listed below are the most common signs and symptoms seen with concussion injuries. Common Signs of A Concussion:1. Appears dazed or stunned to others 2. Forgets instructions, seems confused 3. May seem unaware of what is going on around them 4. Movement is clumsy 5. Is slow to answer questions 6. If lost consciousness (even briefly) 7. Changes in mood, behavior, or personality Common Symptoms of A Concussion:1. Headache or a feeling of "pressure" in the head (suspect neck injury as well) 2. Nausea or vomiting 3. Balance problems or dizziness, double vision, or blurry vision 4. Sensitivity to light or sound 5. Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy 6. Confusion, memory, and concentration problems 7. Just not feeling right or feeling down (depressed) Concussion Treatment In Boise IdahoWe find it fascinating on how the symptoms of a concussion seem eerily similar to the symptoms of a migraine headache. Is this a coincidence or something more? We have found over the years that many migraine headache sufferers have had a previous concussion type injury to their head and neck that went untreated. Injuries that commonly result in concussion are car accidents, sports injuries, slips and falls etc. In many instances these concussion cases will not show up in our office for another 10-15 years, never realizing until it is pointed out that they had a spinal injury along with their concussion whiplash type injury that was left uncorrected. This is in our opinion one of the most common causes of headaches, neck, shoulder, and back pain that slowly develops over time. Wouldn't it be great if we could have addressed the spinal injury shortly after it happened and corrected it then, instead of 10-15 years later when it is now a chronic condition? Where to Go For HelpAn evaluation by an Upper Cervical Chiropractor is a good idea if you have suffered a concussion, as they have the training necessary to detect spinal injury and misalignment which is the underlying cause of many common health problems that develop slowly over time following a concussion injury. Dr. Grayson Blom of Boise Idaho is an Upper Cervical Chiropractor that specializes in the detection and treatment of head and neck misalignment and other spinal related disorders. To schedule a consultation to see if you are a candidate for care click the button below or call our office directly at (208) 559-0541. REFERENCE:http://www.cdc.gov/headsup/pdfs/youthsports/parent_athlete_info_sheet-a.pdf
Have you ever heard of a hemiplegic migraine? Do you suffer from them? What is a hemiplegic migraine? It is a type of complex neurological disorder that can be extremely debilitating. This falls under the category of a migraine with aura that is accompanied by loss of balance, vertigo, confusion, nausea, and many other symptoms. This is not the typical kind of migraine. Muscle weakness and paralysis generally exist alongside the aura. These can be so severe that a sort of stroke-like paralysis is caused. This is called hemiplegia, which means it affects one side of the body only. These migraines often create month long battles with extreme pain and paralysis. Sometimes paralysis exists without head pain. These headaches often begin in childhood and will sometimes disappear in adulthood. We must also realize that just because a person does not deal with extreme muscle weakness or some sort of paralysis, it does not mean that they do not suffer from this type of neurological disorder. To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines download our complimentary e-book. What are the symptoms of hemiplegic migraines?
Is There Any Help For People That Have Hemiplegic Migraines?Those who suffer from hemiplegic migraines are in need of restoring the body’s communication system. This is often the key to reducing, and even overcoming, the severe pain associated with this type of a migraine. The nervous system is the way in which our bodies communicate. The nervous system contains the spine, brain, and nerves that come from it. If the upper cervical spine (upper neck) is out of alignment by a mere ¼ of a millimeter, the brain cannot communicate properly. By correcting this misalignment, the restoration process can begin, and you will start to feel relief.
How do you go about doing this? Start by contacting an upper cervical chiropractor, such as Dr. Grayson Blom of Boise, Idaho. By entrusting your care to Dr. Blom, he can examine your upper neck vertebrae and begin to work on repairing what is wrong. Once your upper neck vertebrae are realigned, your body will begin communicating once again, and your healing process can begin. Call today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Blom. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Blom click the button below or call 208-559-0541. Wouldn’t it be nice to find a treatment for migraine headaches that would provide almost immediate relief? If you suffer from migraines, I am sure your answer is a definite yes! The key to getting this kind of relief is in looking to address the underlying cause, not just covering the symptoms. We are not talking about the latest medicine that has been discovered to help with migraine pain. Once again, that is only covering up one symptom, pain. What we are going to talk about is a natural, alternative treatment for migraine headaches. But first, let’s talk about what causes a migraine. To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines download our complimentary e-book. A Possible Cause for Migraines It has been noted, that in some cases of migraine sufferers, that there has been a previous trauma to the head or neck area at some point in the person’s life. This has created a neurological disorder that results in migraine headaches. This trauma can be due to an accident, fall, or injury of some sort. In some cases, the trauma of birth can be the start of migraines. This can be due to the use of forceps in delivery, a C-section, or simply the twisting of the infant’s neck during natural birth. This may not affect the person until a little later in life. When a trauma occurs to the upper neck area, there is a possibility of a misalignment in the top two vertebrae of the spine. This is called the upper cervical spine. When a misalignment occurs in this region, pressure can be placed on the brainstem, there can be pinched nerves, and problems can be seen in other parts of the body. Where to Go for Help An upper cervical chiropractor, such as Dr. Grayson Blom of Boise, Idaho, is specifically trained to detect misalignments in the upper cervical spine. This can be the underlying cause of migraines. By gently readjusting this area of the neck, the spine can once again come into proper alignment. This has proved to be effective in the treatment of migraine headaches. You can call Dr. Blom to schedule an assessment of your upper cervical spine. He will be able to tell you if you can benefit from such an adjustment and begin to reclaim your life. Set up an appointment with him as soon as possible. You will be glad you did!
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