upper cervical blogdr. blom Work Specifically in the neck and neck related disorders?
An Atlas subluxation is a misalignment of the upper most neck bone named after the Greek God Atlas, in that Atlas holds up the world in the same way that your first neck bone Atlas holds up your world as in your head. An Atlas subluxation put simply is a misalignment between the skull above and the second neck bone (Axis) below, due to a slip, fall, accident, or injury. The Atlas misalignment will then clog the opening through which nerves, blood vessels, and CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid) will pass interfering with flow, function, and communication back and forth between the brain and the body. The Atlas subluxation will remain stable in its abnormal misaligned configuration slowly causing spinal damage and health problems over time. On average it is 10-15 years before symptoms start showing up from an Atlas subluxation. CORRECTION OF ATLAS SUBLUXATION IN BOISE IDAHO
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Many experience migraines and suffer terrible pain as a result. One thing that many migraine sufferers do not realize is that they may actually be experiencing a headache at the same time as the migraine. After all, how would you notice if you are already in a lot of pain? If you experience a migraine and a headache at the same time, you are dealing with a condition called mixed tension headaches. Sometimes, they are called transformed migraines. Regardless of the name, this medical condition can be very debilitating and difficult to diagnose or treat. How can you tell if you experience tension migraines? Usually, the pain will come from behind just one eye. You may also experience pain in the head and neck on both sides. This is because your head and neck muscles are contracting. This contraction is responsible for the tension headache side of the condition. The single-sided pain is usually from the migraine. What causes the tension headache to accompany the migraine? There are several factors:
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines download our complimentary e-book. Because many of these factors also serve as migraine triggers, this phenomenon occurs when a person experiences both conditions at once. The fact is that many experience both tension headaches and migraines and often cannot distinguish between the two. When you feel that bad, pain is pain. Then, on occasion, both may occur at once. This makes it even more difficult for a person to understand what is happening.
Let’s stop talking about the problem for a moment, though, so that we can focus on a solution. How Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Can Help An upper cervical chiropractor like Dr. Grayson Blom of Boise, Idaho can help relieve headaches and migraines. How? Both of these conditions often spring from a misalignment in the upper neck. That’s something that the companies that make headache medication never mention. Rather than simply treating the symptoms, Dr. Blom can diagnose and treat an upper cervical misalignment. Getting such a misalignment corrected can lessen the frequency, duration, and severity of your migraines and headaches. Many even receive complete resolution of the issue once proper alignment has been restored. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Blom click the button below or call 208-559-0541 A migraine is more than just a headache. Migraines are actually a complicated neurological disorder, and that’s why head pain is just one part of the symptoms. Unfortunately, migraines are usually treated with the same medications as headaches. The focus is on relieving that one symptom – the head pain. However, treating just one symptom of the underlying condition is by no means a cure. At best, it provides temporary relief. So how can you get real relief from migraines? The first thing to do is find out what kind of migraines you are suffering from. Migraine Types Chronic Migraines – A person who experiences chronic migraines is having an episode more than half of the days in the month. Some may have a migraine every day. Most commonly, chronic migraines start in the late teens or perhaps in a person’s early 20s. Menstrual Migraines – Women who experience migraines often notice that they correlate with certain parts of the menstrual cycle. While the patient may experience a migraine at any time during the month, migraines become more frequent or severe during hormone changes. Status Migraine – This is a severe and rare migraine form of a migraine that last for no less than 72 hours. Status migraines do not present with aura. This is actually considered a complication of a common migraine. Abdominal Migraine – This form of a migraine usually only affects children. It gets its name from the pain in the abdomen that accompanies the migraine. Vomiting and nausea may also occur. To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines download our complimentary e-book Natural Migraine Relief – The Preferred Option
Regardless of the type of migraine you experience, how can you find true relief and not just cover the symptoms? An upper cervical chiropractor may be able to help you get to the source of your problem. The fact is that a ¼ mm misalignment in the C1 or C2 vertebrae can set off a chain reaction that results in migraines. Dr. Grayson Blom is a certified upper cervical chiropractor in Boise, Idaho. This puts Dr. Blom in a position to provide real relief for migraine sufferers. By diagnosing and realigning upper cervical misalignments, spinal pressure can be relieved. The result may be a complete resolution of a person’s migraines. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Blom click the button below or call 208-559-0541 So What Kind of Headache Do You Have? There are many different types of headaches and subtle variations to them. It should also be noted that it is possible to have combinations of headaches. A quick example might be a tension type headache, combined with migraine and rebound headache. Many people do not realize how all their symptoms are related. The hard part is figuring out the source of the headache and fixing that. This is a short and sweet summary of several of the most common types of headaches. Migraine HeadachesThe migraine headache is a large topic but to sum things up; a migraine headache is usually a one sided throbbing/pulsating head pain that in many cases will feel like blood is backed up in your head. In addition many people can experience nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, visual disturbance (aura), numbness down the arm (brachioplegic migraine) or even one side of the body (hemiplegic migraine). Cervicogenic HeadachesThe term cervicogenic headache literally breaks down to a headache pain created by the neck. The most common cause is joint dysfunction in one of the upper two neck bones. This type of headache can radiate pain to many different areas of the head, face, neck, and shoulders. In fact there is so much variability to this type of headache they have developed pain maps through research to help to try and categorize them. Tension HeadachesA tension headache feels like a constant ache or pressure around your head, especially at the temples or back of the head and neck (this is a huge sign of an underlying neck problem by the way). This type of headache is one of the most common and as the name implies too much tension in the muscles or a muscle imbalance in the back of the head, neck, scalp, jaw, eyes, etc. will cause head pain. Occipital HeadachesThis type of headache is pain in the back of the head, upper neck, and commonly behind the eyes. There are several names for this type of headache such as occipital neuralgia, C2 neuralgia, Arnold's neuralgia etc. Joint dysfunction in the upper neck irritates the nerves in the upper neck called the occipital nerves and pain radiates to the back of the head, upper neck, and in some cases behind the eyes. Cluster HeadachesCluster headaches appear suddenly and usually stick to one side of the head creating a debilitating pain. In many cases people that suffer with this type of headache will also have a watery eye and nasal congestion on the same side but can also have a runny nose due to the excess water draining from the eye. These headaches show up in groupings or clusters and will likely result in you wanting to lie down and rest. If you are like many people with cluster headaches you will be restless and have a hard time getting comfortable. Rebound HeadachesMany people do not realize that long-term use and over-use of painkillers for headaches can actually cause headaches; in addition permanent damage to other areas of the body is not uncommon due to long term toxicity from the drugs used. With the rebound headache you end up back at square one, likely having spent a lot of money and ending up with a similar problem to the one you were trying to eliminate. A Commonly Overlooked CauseA previous injury to the head or neck is the common denominator in virtually all chronic headache patients. The most common types of injuries reported by patients are car accidents, sports injuries, slips, and falls. When a trauma occurs, an injury to the head or neck is common and it can lead to head and neck misalignment (one of the upper two neck bones gets knocked out of alignment). Once it is pointed out it is easy to see that there is a strong relationship to upper neck problems and headaches of many different varieties. Time and time again upper cervical chiropractic care has been shown to be the natural, non-invasive treatment of choice for headaches. Dr. Blom is an upper cervical chiropractor in Boise, Idaho that specializes in detection and treatment of spinal related disorders of the head and neck. Correction of head and neck misalignment has proven to be highly effective for people that suffer from headaches. If you are looking for natural headache treatment and relief in Boise Idaho you are on the right track. If you would like to schedule a consultation to meet with Dr. Blom about your headaches please click the link below or you can give us a call directly at (208) 559-0541 to schedule an appointment. If you would like to learn more about the relationship between headaches and the neck you can download our ebook.
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