upper cervical blogdr. blom Work Specifically in the neck and neck related disorders?
What Are Seizures?![]()
Seizures result as an abnormal change in electrical activity of the brain, which can cause noticeable symptoms or sometimes very mild symptoms. The most common symptoms of seizures which are widely recognized include loss of control of the body and violent shaking. However, seizures of a mild nature can also serve as a warning sign of a health problem. Seizures occur because of a rapid firing of neurons in the brain which release a series of electrical impulses simultaneously in error. This causes the signals to jump around abnormally to other areas of the brain, triggering malfunction in different areas of the body, by misfiring nerves. This rapid firing overwhelms the brain and results in seizure symptoms, which is to say things simply a form of brain malfunction. There are several different types of seizures but the bottom line is which cells are firing and what area of the brain is involved will determine the type of seizure clinically. A seizure can be a an alteration in behavior, consciousness, sensation, and/or movement.
The next step in understanding seizure disorder is determining what level of brain stimulation will trigger the symptoms? Neck Injuries and Seizure Disorder
Neck injuries can result in the development of many different physical problems, especially physical problems that may seem bizarre or unexplained. This is due to anatomical variations in bone structure, muscles, ligaments, and anatomical variations in the brainstem, as well as arterial patterns in and out of the head. Mix all these variables together and you discover a percentage of people with a previous injury to the neck that will develop seizure disorder.
Research has linked seizures to previous neck injuries, particularly neck injuries located at the top of the neck, between the two main neck bones known as the Atlas and Axis (aka the upper cervical spine). Injuries in the neck cause these two bones to become misaligned, which results in pressure on the brain stem and disruption to normal blood flow to the brain. The brain stem acts as the switch board operator between the brain and the body, and is also responsible for guiding and coordination communication within the brain. Having a misaligned Atlas or Axis can affect you in two ways: 1. Your brain and body will not be able to coordinate adequately. 2. As a side effect your body's center of gravity will become altered, creating abnormal curvature in the spine to compensate head movements with body movements. This can and commonly does result in neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain, and back pain as additional side effects. We find it quite interesting that in some severe seizure cases the patients face, and lips can turn blue. This makes it completely obvious that there is a blood supply issue occurring, choking off the blood supply in and out of the head. The varying degrees of blockage in the blood supply through the upper neck correlate clinically with severity of symptoms.
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and neck pain, download our free e-book by clicking the image below.
Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care: How it can help!![]()
Upper Cervical care is designed to locate and correct misalignments of Atlas or Axis in the Upper Cervical spine. This is achieved through a procedure carefully designed to 1. determine if there is a problem at the base of the brain and 2. Very detailed x-rays of the upper neck to determine if there is in fact a misalignment causing a problem.
Even though it is unknown if ALL seizures are due to neck injuries. It is of note that if the blood supply is compromised in and out of the head it can result in seizures in people that are predisposed. Medical research has suggested that the cause for seizures is primarily a traumatic injury to the head or neck, such as a concussion. Concussion's are much more common than people realize, with competitive sports, motor vehicle accidents and recreational activities topping the list of most common injuries to the head and neck. It is also important to note that concussions are grossly under reported as many people do not seek care for these types of injuries. According to the CDC (center for disease control) most concussions don't necessarily result in a loss of consciousness. Please keep in mind that seizures are a neurological disorder that very commonly occur due to head and neck trauma left untreated. Upper cervical chiropractic care is designed to detect and correct spinal injuries that can result in seizure symptoms especially if there is a history of head or neck injury. To learn more about spotting a concussion visit the CDC website (click here). Are You A Candidate For Upper Cervical Care?
Dr. Grayson Blom works with a nationwide group of Doctors expertly trained and specializing in the Upper Cervical procedure. Dr. Blom is also one of the few Doctors in the state of Idaho trained and certified in the Upper Cervical procedure. We are dedicated to helping patients just like you, who suffer from seizures, depression, migraines, headaches, neck pain and other ailments and dis-eases.
Our office is offering a COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION to determine if you are a candidate for Upper Cervical care, give us a call at (208) 559-0541 for a complimentary consultation or you can fill out a consult request form above.
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Depression can be a menacing manifestation of emotions, causing us to lose energy, underperform as well as a series of other work-life problems. For many individuals in Boise, Idaho, or anywhere else, depression is not necessarily due to emotions, but can be due to problems in the neck and the blood supply to your brain.
Let's take a closer look at depression, how it’s caused and how a neck injury is by far the most commonly overlooked source of depression. Causes of Depression
Life Style. Let's start with the obvious! The most common cause of depression to say this simply is that your lifestyle is inadequate! You are eating far too much sugar, grain, or both. Stop eating processed foods! Focus on whole foods. There are many studies linking dietary problems to depression symptoms. Answer this question: Could your body produce the necessary brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that allow you to feel happy, if you DO NOT supply your body with the proper raw materials (nutrition) REQUIRED to produce them? Second there is a requirement for EXERCISE. It has been known for a long time through research that simply walking for 30-60 minutes daily does more to reverse depression than MEDICATION! if you live a sedentary life style your body will not have the necessary sensory input from your environment to be healthy. DIET and EXERCISE play a rather large role in the production of a normal quantity supply of neurotransmitters thus allowing you to feel happy. ![]()
Inadequate Blood Supply To The Brain. Now let's talk about the not so obvious. Aside from the emotional aspects, did you know that an injury to the neck can result in interference with the blood supply to your brain which can cause depression symptoms? When your brain doesn’t receive enough blood, it doesn’t receive enough oxygen and nutrients for it to function. Without oxygen and nutrients, you brain cannot produce the neurotransmitters required to be happy and depression free. You may even suffer from headaches or have difficulty with concentration. You may have problems sleeping thus feeling fatigued, anxious, nervous and eventually we arrive at depression.
With proper blood supply, your brain will function as it should, produce neurotransmitters as it should. Combine this with a proper life style and you are left with the BEST possible strategy to beat depression. Another angle to the blood supply problem is CCSVI or Chronic Cerebro-Spinal Venous Insufficiency. To learn more you can look at a paper published in the Journal of Upper Cervical Research where they discuss how a previous injury to the neck, resulting in a misalignment of one of the upper two neck bones, that resulted in an inadequate blood supply to the brain. The bottom line is this - if you have poor circulation of blood in and out of your head then YOU CANNOT BE 100% HEALTHY depression would then be a side effect.
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and neck pain, download our free e-book by clicking the image below
Neck Injury AND Depression?
An old injury to the neck such as a slip or a fall, or an auto-accident can produce a concussion of forces that can tear loose the connective tissues that hold the spine together resulting in a misalignment of one of the top two neck bones called Atlas or Axis this is called a Subluxation. A Subluxation is a torque twist of Atlas or Axis that can and very commonly does interfere with how blood flows in and out of the head. And again a chronic interference to blood supply can and does result in depression.
Please keep in mind that depression affects almost 20 million Americans, and according to the US census bureau around 11 million Americans will get into a car accident in any given year. What percentage of depression cases could be due to an old injury to the head or neck? What percentage of depression cases could be due to a poor lifestyle? Is it possible for you to have a poor life style and a neck problem all contributing to depression? YES! The question then becomes HOW DO YOU FIX IT? Upper Cervical Care
If you suffer from depression, then you should have your neck evaluated by a competent Upper Cervical Chiropractor. Upper Cervical Care is designed to detect and correct these misalignments in the neck thus realigning your head with your neck. The first step is to determine if you have this problem or not.
Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care has a proven track record of getting cases well where all others have failed. If you are interested in what it takes to get well and stay well then you are in the right place. We are interested in helping people understand and care for the human frame. We are interested in helping people understand dietary and exercise requirements, and the cause and prevention of dis-ease. If you live in or near Boise, Idaho feel free to connect with us to learn more about the principles of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care. Are You A Candidate For Upper Cervical Care?
Dr. Grayson Blom works with a nationwide group of Doctors expertly trained and specializing in the Upper Cervical procedure. Dr. Blom is also one of the few Doctors in the state of Idaho trained and certified in the Upper Cervical procedure. We are dedicated to helping patients just like you, who suffer from depression, migraines, headaches, neck pain and other ailments and dis-eases.
Our office is offering a COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION to determine if you are a candidate for Upper Cervical care, give us a call at (208) 559-0541 for a complimentary consultation.
Upper Cervical Chiropractic Specialist
5975 Overland Rd. Boise, Idaho 83709 (208) 559-0541 Are You Looking For Migraine Relief? Are You A Candidate For Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care? Request A Consultation To See If We Can Help You!![]()
I suffered from severe headaches for about 12 years before seeing Dr. Blom. My headaches came and went during this period, and at times I would go several years without having one. However, when I had bouts with headaches, I would get two to three per month, with each headache lasting up to four days. The pain was severe, accompanied by intense nausea making it impossible to work. It was stressful for my family as well, as I was unavailable to them for long periods of time.
I searched for treatment over the years from nearly every possible outlet. I visited numerous neurologists, took dozens of medicines (none of which worked and many that had negative side effects) and tried anything else that could help. The only thing that gave me some relief (but not a cure) was chiropractic visits. I was ready to give up on traditional medical care. I first visited Dr. Blom in the summer of 2011. Within the first two visits, I was already feeling relief. Dr. Blom's inital diagnosis gave a clear picture of what he believed to be wrong, how he wanted to fix it, and how long he thought it would take. (This was in stark contrast to other "headache specialists" who would often shrug their shoulders and tell me that headaches were often a mystery and we had to experiment to find a cure.) Within a few months the headaches were coming less often, and their severity had lessened greatly. About a year after seeing Dr. Blom, my headaches had disappeared and my overall health had improved. Dr. Blom's approach is to focus on information, overall health and letting the body fix its problems. The difference he made in my health and quality of life was immense. Without his help, I believe that it may have become impossible to work regularly. My family is also happy with his efforts because now I am healthy and able to spend time with them every day. - Casey
Many patients with mysterious conditions complain that their family and general practitioners misunderstand them. If you are reading this, then you have landed in the right place because you have our sympathies.
Dr. Grayson Blom works with a nationwide group of Doctors expertly trained and specializing in the Upper Cervical procedure. Dr. Grayson Blom is also one of the few Doctors in the state of Idaho trained and certified in the Upper Cervical procedure. We are dedicated to helping patients just like you who suffer from chronic migraines, headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain and other ailments and dis-eases. If you are looking for migraine relief, don't hesitate to give us a call. Our office is offering a COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION to determine if you are a candidate for Upper Cervical care, give us a call at (208) 559-0541. Multiple Sclerosis Help Boise, Idaho![]()
Multiple Sclerosis doctors consider multiple sclerosis as a disease of the brain, brain stem and spinal cord that is due to the immune system of the body attacking the nervous system. However, because of its mysterious symptoms, and tedious diagnostic procedures, multiple sclerosis doctors are now linking the disease to upper cervical injuries earlier in the patient’s life, and in many cases 15-20-25 years earlier. Although, multiple sclerosis includes a number of symptoms, some of the most common ones such as neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, tremors, loss of balance, etc. may be treated by targeting and correcting these upper cervical injuries.
There has been a lot of debate over the actual cause of multiple sclerosis. On one side they say that it is an autoimmune problem and the other side believes it is a blockage of blood and CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) over a long period of time that causes the destruction of neural tissue. It is also interesting if you study how the body heals it self and how it removes dead tissue this can appear as though it is an autoimmune like process because there are immune cells and antibodies there to clean up the dead tissue, but the big question is this the body just cleaning up the mess as part of the healing process or is it in fact an autoimmune disorder? What Is An Upper Cervical Injury?![]()
Recent medical and upper cervical chiropractic research is pointing to the actual cause as being a fluid exchange problem between the brain and the body with the upper cervical spine (to say this simply) as the plug in the drain that blocks fluid (blood and CSF) from draining properly from the head. This creates a back pressure and fluid congestion that can cause a lot of strange symptoms commonly seen with multiple sclerosis and over time this can cause neural tissue destruction.
Also fascinating is the most common area of tissue destruction in multiple sclerosis cases is right around the cerebral aqueducts in the center of the brain where this CSF is actually PRODUCED by the body and if it has nowhere to go, I hope it would be completely obvious that this is a BIG problem for your health.
The cervical spinal vertebrae have a very unique anatomy, which makes them susceptible to a predictable pattern of injuries. This includes most commonly, ligamentous injuries where the head and neck meet in the atlas and axis area.
When a cervical trauma takes place, the Upper Cervical doctor will use specialized radiographic procedures designed to determine the exact location of the upper spine injury. Depending on the type of injury there can be damage found at multiple levels. This poses serious risks on the neurological well-being of the patient. The morbidity related to cervical spine injuries may result in a poor quality of life. This is because the neck hosts the major nerves, tissues and vessels that connect the brain with the rest of the body. An injury to these cervical vertebrae may incur severe effects on these surrounding anatomical structures yielding neurological defects. These defects can and do show up as the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. It is not yet known if the multiple sclerosis symptoms people develop are due to a spinal problem that mimics multiple sclerosis or an actual autoimmune disease and to complicate things further it could be possible to have both a spinal injury and an autoimmune disease. If you have had neck injuries in the past and have not been evaluated by trained and certified Upper Cervical doctor, you should immediately go for an Upper Cervical evaluation to rule in or out this problem in the neck. Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care May Be The Answer!
Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care is a specialty within Chiropractic designed to document the nature of the cervical spinal injury and how to precisely correct it and help you maintain this correction.
Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care can help you deal with the frustrating symptoms of multiple sclerosis. The Upper Cervical procedure involves re-aligning the upper cervical vertebrae called atlas and axis. This aims to relieve pressure on the surrounding nerves of the neck allowing blood and CSF to flow in and out of the head correctly. Upper Cervical Chiropractic Is A New Found Hope To Increase Your Overall Quality of Life!
Dr. Grayson Blom works with a nationwide group of Doctors expertly trained and specializing in the Upper Cervical procedure. Dr. Grayson Blom is also one of the few Doctors in the state of Idaho trained and certified in the Upper Cervical procedure. We are dedicated to helping patients just like you who suffer from multiple sclerosis symptoms, headaches, migraines, neck pain, back pain and other ailments and dis-eases.
Our office is also offering a COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION to determine if you are a candidate for Upper Cervical care, give us a call at (208) 559-0541 for a complimentary consultation.
Upper Cervical Chiropractic Specialist
5975 W. Overland Rd. Boise, Idaho 83709 (208) 559-0541
Burton JM, Alikhani K, Goyal M, Costello F, et al. Complications in MS patients after CCSVI procedures abroad (Calgary, AB). Can J Neurol Sci. 2011 Sep;38(5):741-6. Hubbard, David. Clinical Improvement after Extracranial Venoplasty in Multiple Sclerosis. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology. Volume 23, Issue 10 , Pages 1302-1308, October 2012. Mandolesi S, Marceca G, Conicello S, Harris E; Upper Cervical Vertebral Subluxation in Multiple Sclerosis Subjects with Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency: A Pilot Study; Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ September 23, 2013 ~ Pages 65-70 Patti F, Nicoletti A, Leone C, Messina S, D’Amico E, Lo Fermo S, et al. Multiple sclerosis and CCSVI: a population-based case control study. PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e41227. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0041227. Epub 2012 Aug 3. Radak Djordje, et al. Incidence and distribution of extravascular compression of extracranial venous pathway in patients with chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency and multiple sclerosis. doi: 10.1177/0268355513486638. Phlebology May 9, 2013 0268355513486638. Weinstock-Guttman B, Ramanathan M, Marr K, Hojnacki D, Benedict RH, et al. Clinical correlates of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in multiple sclerosis. BMC Neurol. 2012 May 15;12:26. doi: 10.1186/1471-2377-12-26. |
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