upper cervical blogdr. blom Work Specifically in the neck and neck related disorders?
![]() Costs of Vertigo Emergency Room Visits According to a study published in the July, 2013 issue of Academic Emergency Medicine about 4% of all emergency medical department costs, which equals to about $4,000,000,000 a year, are due to people suffering from vertigo. That study was conducted by Dr. Ali S. Saber Tehrani from John Hopkins University in Baltimore and a team of his colleagues. In 2011, 3.9 million people who suffered from vertigo or dizziness visited emergency rooms, and most of the costs went to diagnostic testing. That amounts to more than $1,000 per person who suffers from Vertigo or dizziness per visit to an emergency room. There are then the costs of medications, and doctors will use over 50 medications to try to control the person's attacks. Whiplash and Vertigo Of those people who suffer from vertigo or dizziness, 25% - 50% suffered from whiplash due to an accident in a vehicle. Their battles with this condition will often subside after a few days, but they may linger for up to several years after the accident. Now, whiplash can occur when a person is hit at only 5 MPH, which means that this injury to the upper neck vertebrae does not need to involve a vehicle. So while, 25% -50% of those visits to the emergency room may have been due to people suffering from Vertigo or Dizziness that started with a vehicular accident, many other sufferers sustained upper neck injuries due to whiplash that did not involve vehicles. To find out more about the connection between head and neck injuries and Ménière's disease download are e-book below. Realigning the Spine
Whether or not that accident happened in a car or because you fell or were hit, if you suffered some sort of accident that caused you to sustain whiplash, and you now deal with vertigo or dizziness, you most likely incurred an upper neck injury. The top two bones in your neck are out of alignment, and the only way to reverse the effects of that misalignment is to realign them. Now, you can wait until it gets so bad that you need to go to the emergency room, probably more than once, and pay more than $1,000 per visit plus the cost of medication (You should know medical science hasn't yet invented a medication that can realign your upper neck vertebrae). Or you can seek the care of an upper cervical chiropractor. They will examine your upper neck vertebrae for any misalignments and make any needed adjustments, so your body can begin to heal itself. What to Do Next To find an upper cervical chiropractor in your area go to www.upcspine.com or if you are in the Boise Idaho area, just click the button to schedule an appointment.
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