upper cervical blogdr. blom Work Specifically in the neck and neck related disorders?
What is Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care?![]() Blair is a method of analyzing and correcting the upper cervical spinal misalignment (or Atlas Subluxation Complex - ASC) as developed by William G. Blair. Dr. Blair developed this method in part due to issues with common malformations of the upper cervical spinal column that are routinely observed on x-ray. Dr. Blair played a critical role in the development of the procedure and protocol to deal with these common malformations of the upper cervical spinal column when working with patients. Earlier in his career Dr. Blair had conducted a study using osteological specimens where he analyzed over 3,000 intact skull and cervical spinal columns with the goal of determining just how common malformations where in the upper cervical spine. It should also be noted that Dr. Blair developed his procedure and protocols utilizing 3-D stereoscopic x-ray imaging and he is also known as the developer of the legendary protracto view which is an oblique nasium film used to visualize the relationship and misalignment of the skull relative to atlas. A brief summary of some of the most common upper cervical spinal malformations are as follows: A turned foramen magnum was present 77% of the time. An anterior condyle was found 79% of the time. One condyle was found to be smaller measured from A-P 83% of the time. One condyle was found to be short compared to the ocular orbits 77% of the time. The entire foramen magnum and condyles were found to be off center 62% of the time. Knowing these things when analyzing and correcting spinal misalignment is of great significance when working with patients. It should be pointed out that many of the early upper cervical chiropractic pioneers helped develop the procedures and protocols to provide the modern day upper cervical chiropractor with the solid foundation to deliver the highest quality care for patients, that is not only highly precise, but extremely effective when it comes to the detection and correction of upper cervical spinal misalignment. Blair Trained Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Boise Idaho![]() Dr. Grayson Blom is an upper cervical chiropractor in Boise, Idaho that is trained and certified in the Blair Upper Cervical procedures and protocols. Correction of head and neck misalignment has been proven time and time again to be highly effective for people that suffer from the signs and symptoms of the "Atlas Subluxation Complex" (ASC), with some of the most common symptoms being headaches, vertigo, neck pain, shoulder/arm pain, back pain, hip/leg and sciatic pain. If you are looking for a Blair trained Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Boise Idaho then we invite you to schedule a consultation to meet with Dr. Blom. To schedule please click the link or you can give us a call directly at (208) 559-0541. We look forward to meeting you! References:1. Blair Upper Cervical Specific Certification Program, 4th edition, 2006.
2. Blair Upper Cervical Society: http://www.blairchiropractic.com
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